There are concerns about whether labour markets can swallow all of these graduates, and about whether degree requirements for relatively lowly jobs will inhibit social mobility. 有些人担心劳动力市场是否能容纳这么多的大学毕业生,担心相对低端工作岗位的学历要求是否会抑制社会流动性。
Economists have long understood that significant labour mobility is not nearly enough. 经济学家们早已知道,仅有劳动力之间的大量流动是远远不够的。
Labour mobility is declining. 劳动力流动性在下降。
This is beneficial for labour mobility and helpful to the real economy because additional house sales spur economic activity. 这有利于劳动力流动,也会给实体经济带来帮助,因为更多的住房销售会刺激经济活动。
Labour mobility is not a zero-sum game: both senders and recipients win, as new jobs are created. 劳动力迁移也不是零和游戏,由于有更多的新工作,劳动力输出国和输入国是互利共赢的。
Structure Adjustment, Labour Mobility and the Spatial Wage Disparity Industrial Relations Act 结构调整、劳动力流动与地区工资差异
Propelling labour mobility over the next few decades will be huge demographic changes, in particular the ageing and stagnation of populations in developed countries. 未来数十年内,人口的巨大变化将推动劳动力流动,尤其是发达国家的老龄化和人口增长停滞。
Many businesses regard increased labour mobility as a threat to their hold on their best talent, it says. 许多企业认为,劳动力流动性增加,对他们留住最优秀人才构成威胁。
The bank also called for structural changes to increase domestic consumption, improve labour mobility and reduce the region's over-reliance on exports to the west. 亚行还呼吁亚洲各国进行结构性调整,以增加国内消费,提高劳动力流动性,减少该地区对向西方出口的过分依赖。
There were frictions with organised labour, and also with the government, but management was assisted by a level of labour flexibility and mobility that was the envy of the world. 商界与工会和政府之间都存在摩擦,但令各国羡慕的劳动力灵活性和流动性,对管理起到了推动作用。
A secondary constraint on labour mobility is the system of communication linking employer and worker. 对劳动力移动的另一个限制是联系雇主与工人间的情报系统。
In a country with low regional labour mobility, the closure of a factory would otherwise produce persistent unemployment. 在劳动力地区间流动频率低的国家,一家工厂的关闭会引起接连不断的失业。
They not only reduce city congestion and transportation costs, facilitate logistics and distribution, but also allow for more labour and product mobility, more freedom for leisure travels, and in turn more consumer spending and better quality of life. 它们不仅减少了城市拥堵,降低了交通成本,方便了物流和分销,而且还促进了劳动力和产品流动,方便了人们休闲旅游,进而提振了消费者支出,改善了生活质量。
It would not necessarily replace national systems or include structural spending, except perhaps to boost cross-border labour mobility. 这套体系不一定要取代各国的保险体系,或是包括结构性支出,除非是为了促进跨境劳动力流动。
The hukou system, which helps to keep wages uneven by discouraging labour mobility, is at least partly to blame. 户籍制度至少是导致这种局面的一部分原因,它阻碍了劳动力的流动,起到了维持城乡薪酬差异的作用。
Currently, almost everything except labour mobility is up for liberalisation, making the TPP one of the most comprehensive free-trade treaties yet conceived. 现在除了劳动力流动能力外,几乎所有的东西都需要被自由化,这导致TPP成为被认可的最广泛的自由贸易协议之一。
Labour Mobility, Human Capital Transfer and Regional Policies 劳动力流动、人力资本转移与区域政策
Based on an analysis of the labour mobility in China since 1980, this paper explores the regional human capital transfer and its potential influence on the regional economic relations, with an assessment of policy rationality. 本文基于对80年代以来我国(大陆地区)劳动力流动的分析,探讨人力资本在区域间转移以及对地区经济关系可能产生的影响,评价相应政策措施的合理性。
Take transferring industry growth effect ( space optimization effect) as Labour mobility, capital transfer and outcome of combined action of technology diffusion. 将产业转移的增长效应(空间优化效应)视为劳动力流动、资本转移和技术扩散共同作用的结果。
Cointegration analysis showed that the population age structure, labour mobility and human capital respectively had long-term equilibrium relationship with the trade balance, and the trade balance also had a long-term and stable equilibrium relationship with the above three variables. 协整分析表明,人口年龄结构、劳动力流动和人力资本分别与贸易差额存在长期均衡关系,且贸易差额与上述三个变量之间也存在着长期稳定的均衡关系。